
Fall 2023 retiree luncheon with 总统's Cabinet



马克·C总裁. 康纳 and Barbara Reyes-康纳

马克·C总裁. 康纳 and Barbara Reyes-康纳

火博体育大学 holds retirement and retirees in great honor.  退休是一个主要问题 stage in one’s life, filled with its own challenges and opportunities.  退休后, one’s relationship to the 大学 changes, but it does not weaken.  火博体育继续 to welcome the views, perspectives, and counsel of its retirees, and of course your participation in the intellectual and cultural life of the 大学 always continues.  If you are just beginning to plan for retirement, we hope the resources offered on this website will help with that process of discernment and planning.  如果你有 already entered into retirement, please stay in touch and maintain your relationship with Skidmore both through virtual/distance opportunities and through in-person events 和活动.  We warmly invite you to attend any of the events that are featured here—or any campus event that happens to be of interest.  As a Skidmore retiree, you will always be a part of the Skidmore family. So please do stay connected!    


马克·C. 康纳


  • 玛丽·露·贝茨 
  • 凯特布沙尔
  • Barb凯西
  • 凯瑟琳·彼德
  • 朱塞佩•修梅克
  • 卡罗尔古蒂
  • 丹尼斯·詹金斯  
  • 比尔。琼斯  
  • 詹姆斯肯内利
  • 特里Kindl 
  • 伊莱恩·拉森  
  • 达琳LeBaron
  • 迈克Lomaestro
  • 帕特里夏·莱尔
  • 朱迪Messore
  • 玛丽安李约瑟  
  • 詹尼斯Petroski
  • Monica Raveret Richter
  • 吉姆·罗斯 
  • 迈克尔Sposili
  • 帕蒂·斯坦伯格
  • 琳达净重
  • 大卫维拉拉
  • 丽莎•威廉姆斯   
更新电子邮件 & Address


Details will be sent to the retiree-list in advance of each event:

  • 6月6日星期四, 4:30 PM: 葡萄酒、奶酪和聊天. Surrey-Williamson客栈. Reception welcoming new retirees and presentation by 总统 emeritus Philip Glotzbach, “Writing a Love Letter: From Talks to a Commercial Book.”


Learn more about these and other events here